Saturday, December 8, 2012

Compilation Free Days

...will be 12/12-12/13

I hope by then I have episode 4 up and ready

This book will be marketed like crazy. I've never had such a headstart for a KDP promotion so let's see how it goes.

Submitted notices to:
22 websites and counting!

They're Up!

The compilation of episodes 1-3 are up! Hooray!

Trying a compilation

My episode 4 is coming along (I had a real long week. I could finish it up this weekend probably...I just need to buckle down!) and I wanted to have my Episodes 1-3 ready to go so I can have a funnel to episode 4.

Here's a preview of the compilation!

So I tried another promo on Friday with the new cover and I got less! Eek! Friday is a bad day apparently. BUT, I did get 2 sales so that's amazing!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

After so much amazing help, I've made a new cover for Episode 1 and 2. I hope this helps clarify the genre and get it sold!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fixing up the covers...insomnia edition!

Part of that same thread about my promo, someone said my cover could use work. Now, I said...I like my covers. BUT, they're not good for horror/thrillers. If I wrote the next "Catcher in the Rye" they'd be lovely but they give the wrong impression.

So, because I can't fall asleep, I made two covers for Episode 1 that are more thriller-y.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Blurb Help!

I went out and asked for help with my blurb. Oh how everyone was so nice! Here's what I've got:

The Six
Six complete strangers from all walks of life are kidnapped, imprisoned together, and forced into horrible acts. Their unseen masters force The Six to choose: die, or complete an act that will bring chaos to the outside world, with each act building toward a horrifying master plan.

Episode One
Simon Archer, a shy cashier, is kidnapped and becomes one of The Six. Soon he is the first to be chosen for a special mission: Kidnap and murder a governor's daughter. If he refuses, fails, or tries to escape, Simon will die. 

So much better!

Promo Day Help

So I asked Kindle authors for info on why my promo didn't work out and I think the response was really good!

I think genre is our biggest challenge as indies.
I can't tell what genre your book is. By the blurb, I guess it's either horror or suspense, maybe thriller? The cover looks literary, though.
When the promo blogs look at your book and consider it, they give it about a millisecond. If they don't instantly understand what the heck the book is, they move on to the next one. It's a "Blink" thing.
Great advice. So things I need to work on:
  • Pick a genre: Right now it is a thriller/horror/suspense and I've listed it as such. But, that's not really a genre. That's like a smoothie of genres. I need to pick one.
  • Fix my blurb: Blurbs are my low point. I have so much trouble coming up with one. I need help with this.
  • Cover? (But I like my covers...not sure about that one.) 

Well that was fast...

Amazon published Episode 3 in record time!

Check it out :)

Episode 3 is on its way!

I sent all freaking weekend and Monday editing Episode 3 and now it's sent to Amazon to publish! Thanks for everyone's support!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Free Promo Experiment

So for my 2nd day of free, I did a Friday...which may have not been the best day to put the book up. Anyway, this time around I promoted the heck out of it. It was submitted to all the websites and message boards, etc. and here are the results:



So as you can see, I only got 50 downloads the 2nd day as opposed to the unmarketed first day. This is surprising. It may just be that Friday is not a great day and Wednesday was better. Little disappointing but 112 is still great!Also, as you can see I got another sale so YAY!